Assessing the Quality of Your Clinical Practice: 13 Key Signs of Mediocrity

The Best Clinical Practice: An Ideal Scenario Picture yourself stepping into your clinic, ready to attend to a patient.  Your documentation system seamlessly provides all necessary tools for a productive session. Your time management is impeccable; you move through tasks based on a structured strategy and patient response. Every recorded piece of information is relevant, […]

The 4 goals for documentation in high performing physical therapy practices

There are 4 goals for physical therapy documentation if you want to perform at a high level: Goal #1: help you get better results in sessionGoal #2. improve decision making in your plan of care and in reflection on a specific caseGoal #3: improve team results, strategies, and decision making in the futureGoal #4: reduce […]

The 6 reasons physical therapy documentation is terrible for practitioners

‘Documenting is something I have to do. I tolerate it so I can see patients.’ This was the fifth interview in the past month and each interviewee thought documentation sucked. The interviews exposed a weird, depressing energy with patient documentation. Talking to clinicians who did it by hand, I heard a bizarre nostalgia because while […]

What is behavior change in the practice setting?

Behavior change by practitioners means integrating personal education and experience with predictive analytics and successful behaviors from other providers to optimize a process or decision to a specific patient.    Traditional decisions are based on a practitioner mentally collating their intuition and past experience to make the best decision possible. While this method can be effective, […]